“Here’s What’s Standing Between You and Successful Breastfeeding…”

If you want to give the perfect food for your baby, then you need to read every word of this exciting letter, because it could change your life…

Dear Friend,

It’s frustrating, isn’t it?
Even the majority of first-time moms want to breastfeed their babies exclusively for six months, but still, they are doubtful and afraid.

I know what it’s like. Before I successfully breastfed my children, I spent a lot of time just thinking about it. I purchased a lot of books on the topic. I even attended seminars and workshops on how to breastfeed a baby. On top of it, I am also a registered nurse.

Problem was, I wasn’t serious about nursing a baby properly. Oh sure, all the breastfeeding manuals and guides stacking up on my bookshelf and hard drive made it look like I was serious. All the charges on my Visa bill made me look pretty serious. But I never took any serious action.

I dabbled. I did things like researching through the internet, watched YouTube videos. And I even asked experienced mothers. Yet I never got serious about it.

But then something happened that rocked me to my very core. And maybe you can relate to this…….

It was when I gave birth and breastfeed my baby. I was excited even though I don’t know what to do. There’s the Doctor, nurses and my mom teaching me how to do it properly but I’m still confused. I cried for a few days breastfeeding my baby, not only because of the pain I felt from feeding but also worried and frustrated that I’m not giving enough milk to my baby.
It’s overwhelming when it happens. You really feel devastated, feel like hitting rock bottom. And it’s frightening when you cannot do it well.
But I did it. So, believe me when I say I know what it’s like to be afraid. And you don’t want this to happen to you. The good news is that……

Now You Too Can Be an Extraordinary Mom- Guaranteed!

That’s right; you no longer have to lie awake at night worrying about your baby not getting enough milk from you. Because when you know these first-time moms’ secrets for successful ways of breastfeeding, you’ll finally have peace of mind. Just imagine:
  • No more worrying
  • No more crying
  • And never again will you deal with frustration
Go ahead, imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get yourself together and have a happy and healthy baby. And just think of what your family, friends, and colleagues will say once they see you doing the right thing!
You can bet you’ll feel the same way as Maureen, who wished that this eBook was available before. Here is her story in her own words:
Or maybe you’ll feel like Faith, who had a tandem feeding. Take a look:
The same goes for Kate. Read this:
Look, you could be the next success story. You could be just like Maureen, Faith, and Kate. Because….


 While preparing, you too could learn to manage to breastfeed your little one!

Best of all, it’s also a way of having your bonding moments with your baby.
All you have to do is download your copy on “How to Overcome Breastfeeding Problems for First Time Moms” and in just moments you’ll discover:
  • At last, you’ll finally discover the TRUTH about Breastfeeding!
  • Need to soothe your nipple sore? Then click page 29 for a simple Few -step system that will blow your mind!
  • How to latch your little one properly – you won’t find these secrets anywhere else!
  • What Anti – Breastfeeding Groups hope you NEVER find out about breastfeeding in public!
  • The Top 8 nursing moms’ mistakes and how to avoid them!
  • A simple little way to boost your milk supply – you won’t believe how well this works!
  • The little-known advantages of breastmilk for your baby’s health – this one works so well; you’ll think it’s magic!      … And so much more
By the time you flip the final page of this exciting breastfeeding guide, you’ll feel like you have a Ph.D. in Breastfeeding and at last, you’ll finally have everything you need to satisfy the primary need of your little one!
For representation purposes only. Tablet, Smartphone and Physical Book not included.
Listen, if you’re looking for some rehashed theory or a pile of fairy dust, this isn’t it. But if you’re looking for a sure-fire way to be an extraordinary mom, then this is the last eBook you’ll ever need to perfect it!
But wait, it gets even better. Because…

Order Now and You’ll Get a Blueprint of 10 Easy Lactation Snack Recipes as a Bonus!

  • Tired of thinking about what to eat while breastfeeding?
  • Want to get rid of a controlled diet?
  • Want to increase your milk production?
  • What snacks help produce breast milk?
Then “10 Easy Lactation Snack Recipe” is exactly what you need to stop worrying about getting fat and not giving enough milk to your LO so that you can start to satisfy your cravings! In fact, it’s the easiest way I know to boost your milk supply and that says a lot because I’ve tried almost every recipe out there!
Here’s a sneak peek at what you get:
  • You’ll find out an extremely unusual yet sure-fire way to boost your milk!
  • Don’t want an oven -bake? Then see the second recipe page for an astonishing strategy!
  • Plus, you’ll discover easy and affordable preparation – almost no one knows this!
So let me ask you….


What is Perfectly Nourishing Your Baby Worth to You?


If you’re like a lot of people, you’ve already spent hundreds/thousands/tens of thousands of dollars on breastfeeding books/ equipment/ training/ etc. But none of those gave you the results you wanted. And that’s because they were all missing one crucial ingredient…
Dedication and love…
That’s what makes this eBook different. Because for the first time, you’ll finally be able to confidently breastfeed your baby anytime and anywhere. And that’s a promise.
Now I know you’re thinking that this is going to set you back at least 3,000 pesos.
Relax… you don’t have to pay 2,000 pesos – not even close. That’s because I wanted to make sure this solution is available to absolutely everyone. And that’s why if you act now, you can get your copy for a tiny investment of just 800 pesos.
That’s right – your breastfeeding problems solved, for a one-time investment of just 800 pesos. You know this is an absolute steal, so click the button below to order now.

You’ll Perfectly Master Breastfed Your Baby- or Ignore this Opportunity!



Look, you don’t even have to say “yes” today. All you have to say is “maybe”. Because when you order now,you’ll automatically avail  a discounted price.
If “How to Overcome Breastfeeding Problems for First Time Moms’ doesn’t help in your breastfeeding journey, or if you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, simply email me within 15 days for any suggestions or queries.
Fair enough?
Then there’s just one thing left for you to do…
Take advantage of the Special Introductory Price and Order Now for just 800 pesos. Your next step is easy – take out your credit card and click the order link below.
And do it now, because it’s on SALE, it’s risk-free, and will make your breastfeeding journey easy:
OPTION 1: Purchase with your credit card


  • Just CLICK on the button below to get your instant access and start your stress-free breastfeeding now!
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  • Fill out all the required details to checkout securely.
  • You can use your credit card or your PayPal account.
  • After the confirmed payment, you will receive your eBook via email instantly!
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Deposit: Php 800
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Account Name: Lemura L. Guting


Account Number: 5696974375
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Step 2:      Scan or take a photo of your deposit slip/screenshot of fund transfer and email it to gutinglemura@gmail.com for verification purposes.
Step 3:      Write an email with the subject line:” How to Overcome Breastfeeding Problems for First-time Moms” Payment
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Transfer: Php 800
Step 1:      Go to any Branch of Cebuana/ Palawan Express/ Western Union/ GCash App and Transfer Php 800 to the following receiver:
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Receiver’s  Mobile #: 09087799862

Step 2:      Scan or take a photo of your transfer slip and email it to gutinglemura@gmail.com for verification purposes.
Step 3:      Write an email with the subject line: “How to Overcome Breastfeeding Problems for First-time Moms” Payment
Step 4:      Upon verification, you will receive an email with the download instructions. (Maximum of 24 hours)
Do it now because the price will increase as the demand rises!
To your wonderful motherhood journey,
Lemura L. Guting
P.S. All you have to do is decide to have stress-free breastfeeding, and How to Overcome Breastfeeding Problems for First-time Moms will take care of everything else. So make that decision right now, and then click here to change your life!